'Game of Thrones' focuses on what's real.
I'm a Taylor Swift fan, definitely.
Usually a lot of moviemaking is boring.
It's hard listening to myself.
We are treated with such generosity of spirit.
All of my characters have a glint of madness.
I try to eat healthy.
I know girls like musicians!
I want to get more muscly.
I'm off to sit on a cliff.
I'm not fake in any way.
I'm not a big clothes person.
Tom Brokaw was never young.
The U.S. is not the holder of truth.
My first priority is time with my family.
Record making is an extraordinary experience.
Life is a very emotional experience.
Freedom is not just declared; it is exercised.
Freedom is a universal value.
Freedom is the oxygen of the soul.
War is failure of diplomacy.