The unknown is always frightening.
My daughters are my Picassos.
I want to be calm.
No, I was not born with a monocle in my eye.
My experience on 'Jarhead' was life changing.
The enemies of freedom will not prevail.
There is no such thing as part freedom.
The hippy movement was a failure.
Life is about family and technology.
My dad was a great dad.
My father was something of a rainbow-chaser.
It is easier for a father to have children than for children to have a real father.
My dad's not a big talker.
I have a great memory.
Great humorists are great insulters.
Baltimore is a great place.
There are great characters on television.
I have a great house.
Vince McMahon was a great negotiator.
Yoga is just good for you.
It's good to be in on the action.