Social Security is a tax.
Viewed from a distance, everything is beautiful.
A bad peace is worse than war.
Midterm elections for first-term presidents are notoriously difficult.
We are optimistic, but we are optimistic in a cautious fashion.
Children need continuity as they grow and learn.
In this country we have no place for hyphenated Americans.
Many corpses will be floating in the sea.
I want Thailand to be a peaceful country.
Obamacare. Get rid of it. Period.
I am not particularly well-behaved.
Ambition never comes to an end.
If voting changed anything, they'd abolish it.
I refuse not to have a sense of humour.
I swim three times a week.
I don't trust equations. I trust quotes.
I've been a voice for many people.
We take our endorsements seriously.
Perseverance and perspective until victory.
Every President wants to do right.
Frankly, my fundamental beliefs have not changed.