If we boost productivity, we can improve economic growth.
When I first ran for Congress in 1998, people counted me out.
To show resentment at a reproach is to acknowledge that one may have deserved it.
It is less difficult to bear misfortunes than to remain uncorrupted by pleasure.
Stopping bad things is a significant public service.
If Obamacare is so wonderful, why is it that its loudest advocates don't want to be subject to it?
In the Senate, there is a wide spectrum of views on foreign policy.
The United States has a responsibility to defend our values.
On issues relating to taxes, you don't always speak with one voice.
Honestly, I have heard a lot in my 16 years as a prosecutor.
There's no way we can get to the bottom of Benghazi without David Petraeus.
I am a practicing Hindu and have made no secrets about it.
Everybody has to look after their own economy and follow the rules.
Why should American atrocities be merely unsettling, but a trip to Hanoi unconscionable?
Sheer effort enables those with nothing to surpass those with priviledge and position.
I beg you do not vote for stills and open bar-rooms in the county.
Elections are about choosing sides, but inaugurations are about closing ranks.
My sense is that economic anxiety means electoral volatility.
When I talk to people outside the beltway, I don't think people are that divided.
I will always be a partner with the president of the United States.
There is nothing inevitable about crime and there is nothing inevitable about anti-social behaviour.