One of the best ways to persuade others is with your ears by listening to them.
My effectiveness is best placed in solving problems through federal solutions.
It is the best of all trades, to make songs, and the second best to sing them.
The political climate during a campaign is not the best climate for reasonable debate.
I've always believed the two best anti-poverty programs are work and marriage.
Be not content with the best book; seek sidelights from the others; have no favourites.
The best thing I can make is a peanut butter-and-jelly sandwich.
I try to do my best to have fun off the court.
He serves his party best who serves his country best.
Above all, don't fear difficult moments. The best comes from them.
Ay, ay, the best terms will grow obsolete: damns have had their day.
The best governor in the world is the person who never really planned to be governor.
Even under the best of circumstances, the road back from war is difficult.
I was never convinced that war was the best system to bring democracy to the country.
I always say the best Thai restaurant in Dubai is my home.
The best thing anyone can do in life is to give opportunities to a child.
Why would it be ridiculous that Quebec has an army?
I have never believed that things happen by themselves.
There is only one governor, and his name is Gray Davis.
Forgiveness is really just another word for freedom.
If there is one Osama bin Laden now, there will be 100 bin Ladens afterwards.