Prohibition didn't work in the Garden of Eden. Adam ate the apple.
There's only one growth strategy: work hard.
The pro-growth policies and spending restraint of Conservatives work.
It was tough trying to figure out how to put on all the women's clothes.
We need women leaders. But we need them to have a vision for something.
Older women have always been attracted to me.
Where I'd like to see more women is at the executive table.
I cannot be silent when facing these evils against women and children.
The farm women are extremely well organized and are bound to be heard from.
Human rights are women's rights, and women's rights are human rights.
Women are the largest untapped reservoir of talent in the world.
Wealthy women have rights in every country. And poor women don't.
The women's movement is just a symptom of basic changes in the economy that are favoring women.
We must... guarantee women control over their own reproductive decisions.
I do think women generally are more humble.
What, when drunk, one sees in other women, one sees in Garbo sober.
Of course there are fat French women. There are fat people everywhere.
If our women are willing to die with us, who is there to say no?
Women just weren't made to bear children to give them away.
I can be shy when I talk to women. I'm a shy dude.
I am doing the mountain climbing to empower women.