I didn't get this physique by not eating tacos.
If I wanna be president, I probably can.
Amor no dura lo que un beso.
The Libyans gave us everything I asked for.
Tackling childhood obesity is key.
I want to write a best-selling book.
In such a diversity it was impossible I should be disposed to melancholy.
I want to be Eric Cantor's term limit.
There is not, in my view, a single European demos.
I stayed in the Navy until July of 1946.
The sergeant is the Army.
There is no victory at bargain basement prices.
Survival is nothing more than recovery.
This century is going to be a very dangerous century.
Americanism is not a matter of skin or color.
We walked to the brink and we looked it in the face.
The deficit is the symptom, but spending is the disease.
Landscape is a piece that is emotional and psychological.
We did not seek ideological confrontation.
I had to steal to survive.
I want to make America better!