Don't let making a living prevent you from making a life.
It may be, it just may be, that life as we know it with its humanity is more unique than many have thought.
Things are coming to a pretty pass when religion is allowed to invade private life.
Men o' war were to be a part of the fabric of my life for the next half-century.
Violence ravaged my life. I was a victim of hatred, and I have dedicated my life to reversing that hatred.
Our first thought is always for those on life's first rung, and how we might increase their chances of climbing.
We must display a heart for every American, and a special passion for those still on the first rung of life's ladder.
As Republicans, our first concern is for those waiting tonight to begin or resume the climb up life's ladder.
I know that plans and reality may be two different things, but I think my demands on life are minimal.
Democracy is the wholesome and pure air without which a socialist public organization cannot live a full-blooded life.
I believe, as Lenin said, that this revolutionary chaos may yet crystallize into new forms of life.
I'm in this wonderful place of life, where everything I'm doing is something I do because I enjoy it.
I'm just a regular person who believes life is simple, and I like a simple life.
The science is settled; it's not even a consensus, it is a unanimity that human life begins at conception.
I come here not as a polished politician but as a woman who has had her fair share of life's knocks.
They knew that Roosevelt and the Democratic party made a difference on them, on their quality of life issues, and they believed in that. But today it is completely different.
The Labour Party is and always has been an instinctive part of my life.
There comes a time in every man's life when he must make way for an older man.
Having a child is arguably the most important thing you do in life.
Time is valuable, and telework is a viable component to help improve quality of life in many ways.
I am convinced that life is 10% what happens to me and 96% how I react to it.