For small businesses to thrive, they require an environment that is conducive for growth.
Nydia VelazquezThere is a Providence that protects idiots, drunkards, children and the United States of America.
Otto von BismarckPolitical judgment is the ability to hear the distant hoofbeats of the horse of history.
Otto von BismarckThese people hate the United States, not for what we do, but for who we are and what we are.
Paul BremerOur state's strategy on methamphetamine, and any other issue, is going to be a moving target.
Phil BredesenThe voter does not vote only on one issue, the voter votes on a multiplicity of issues.
P. ChidambaramToday's gasoline prices are taking a severe toll on Americans' pocketbooks. Consumers are anxious.
Pete DomeniciEven the majority of the Sunnis have grown tired of foreign terrorists operating in Iraq.
Peter DeFazio