People assume that somehow fame and wealth will keep mortality at bay.
As long as the world continues to be strange and interesting, I still want to take pictures of it.
I always feel kind of absurd and presumptuous presenting a speech.
Personally I find the democratic chaos of the Internet fascinating, and for the most part really benign.
I think the U.S. economy wants to be strong. It wants to be.
The whole point of taking a job is that you connect with a character or with an issue.
I think every Internet user likes personalization.
One of the jobs I had was cutting out the blood clots on a side of beef.
I worked at all kinds of jobs, mostly commercial editing.
I think it is a shock to people to find out that MC Hammer is a super geek.
I think a lot of the problem is that at 8 o'clock there's nothing on for kids.
Billions of dollars are thrown at African countries.
All we hear about Africa in the West is Darfur, Zimbabwe, Congo, Somalia, as if that is all there is.
Walking is not important; walking to the right direction, that is important!
You can't get AIDS from a hug or a handshake or a meal with a friend.
When you face a crisis, you know who your true friends are.
Young people want you to be real with them.
Sometimes friends move apart from each other for whatever reason.
When a woman is frustrated, and it's your wife, you as the husband get that frustration.
There are very few jobs where you're held up to public scrutiny.
A left turn in the fate of Russia is as necessary as it is inevitable.