you can't be value free when it comes to marriage
I just like to build things and do things.
Look out for Number One. If you don't, no one else will.
I'm not gonna shoot anyone with the pellet gun... Not unless I have to!
Baseball is just my job.
I want to see the economy rebound.
People have paid for content. They always have.
If the ride is more fly, then you must buy.
I become quite obsessive when I get into something.
The Rock will always come back to us.
So no, I don't think we've lost our edge at all.
The first rule is not to lose. The second rule is not to forget the first rule.
Big doors swing on little hinges.
A free, analytical and questioning press must be helped survive.
Facebook didn't know how successful Zynga would be.
I'm trying to learn from various corners of the world.
I'd guess that 80 percent of the people who work for Playboy are feminists.
Nothing is work unless you'd rather be doing something else.
I had a job since I was old enough to work - since I was, like, 14.
Labor gives birth to ideas.
As an entrepreneur, you work out solutions.