Sneakiness was a form of privacy and privacy here was the first loss.
To keep you is no benefit, to destroy you is no loss.
During World War II, the pilot losses were staggering. In some bombing raids, as many as 80% of the planes that left did not return.
It’s not other people’s job to make you happy and fulfilled; it’s yours. It’s important to always be nice and respectful of others, but it’s even more important to be nice and respectful toward yourself. You have to live with yourself the r...
Not every daughter mourns the loss of a mother.
A dream uninterpreted is like a letter unread.
From loss breeds new opportunity
You can go on losing after loss.
Niggard prefers mistake rather than loss.
Loss makes the soul sick
From loss breeds new life
Love may precede respect but it cannot survive the loss of it.
We all take losses and it's about getting up and coming back.
No loss is big enough to lose hope for tommorrow.
No family should have to endure the loss of a loved one at the hands of a previously convicted violent criminal.
In life every effort is marked down at the end as a win or a loss.
I think loss can fuel how you lead your whole life.
I think loss of loved ones is the hardest blow in life.
When you lose a person you love so much, surviving the loss is difficult.
All social interactions require some loss of freedom.
Heartache, guilt, loss, grief, these things, too, are monsters.