With every problem comes a gift in hand.
Drugs, alcohol and ego. They are a bad mix.
Your choice is to be active or passive in your responses.
My brain doesn't like to be quiet.
My songwriting is like extending a hand to the listener.
I wanna be a nice guy.
I do a project, and then I move on.
Obscurity is just obscurity. There's no romance in obscurity.
Traditionally, duos get accused of lots of things.
As I got older, my voice got better.
I heard recently that I used to date Patrick Swayze.
I did everything I could to not be a musician.
Sometimes what you've been looking for, is what you are.
I try not to look back on my career.
Washington, DC is to lying what Wisconsin is to cheese.
I liked getting the Grammy more than not getting it.
Be yourself, let you come through.
The Vatican takes your breath away.
Being a mum changed me for the better.
At 17, we all think we know what we're doing.
Washburn's an old American name, but this one was assembled overseas.