Jesus said, "If those who lead you say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in the sky,' then the birds of the sky will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. Rather, the kingdom is inside of you, and it is outsi...
People lash out at the idea of hell, eternal torment, and so on. They talk about it like an average person is just standing their, minding their own business, being good, loving others, but never met Jesus, and then God angrily tosses them into hell....
Jesus kinda fools around and gives you parables. He doesn't oftentimes say exactly what he means. But in Matthew 25, he's very, very clear. And he delineates what it takes to get into the Kingdom of Heaven very, very clearly. And he says how you trea...
The will of God is sweet tonight, altogether ‘good and acceptable and perfect.’ The considerate love of the Lord Jesus for us seems such a kind thing now. I know it has always been so, but somehow I didn’t see how wise it was when it didn’t s...
[Saying grace at Thanksgiving] Wendy Hood: Dear Lord, thank you for this Thanksgiving holiday. And for all the material possessions we have and enjoy. And for letting us white people kill all the Indians and steal their tribal lands. And stuff oursel...
Raoul Duke: [referring to the knife Acosta is holding] Jesus God Almighty man, where'd you get that big fucker? Dr. Gonzo: Room Service sent it up, I needed something to cut the limes, man. Raoul Duke: Limes? What limes? Dr. Gonzo: They didnt have an...
Enid: [picking up a swinging metal ornament of a cowboy on a horse] What is this? Seymour: Dana got it when we went shopping for antiques. She said it didn't go with her stuff, so she gave it to me. Said it would go better with my 'old-time thingamaj...
Pauline Parker: Oh, I wish James Mason would do a religious picture! He'd be perfect as Jesus! Juliet Hulme: Daddy says the Bible's a load of bunkum! Pauline Parker: But we're all going to heaven? Juliet Hulme: I'M not! I'M going to The Fourth World....
[as Lonnie is about to enter the Myers house] Dr. Sam Loomis: Hey! Hey, Lonnie, get your ass away from there! [Lonnie and his mates run. Loomis smiles to himself as a hand grabs his shoulder. He spins around, surprised, to find Brackett] Dr. Sam Loom...
Dr. Will Gruber: When did you begin to believe you were Jesus? John Oldman: When did you begin to believe you were a psychiatrist? Dr. Will Gruber: Since I graduated from Harvard Medical School and finished my residency, I've had that feeling. Why I ...
McMurphy: Jesus, I mean, you guys do nothing but complain about how you can't stand it in this place here and you don't have the guts just to walk out? What do you think you are, for Chrissake, crazy or somethin'? Well you're not! You're not! You're ...
Jack: Man! That's tasty! Miles Raymond: That's 100% pinot noir. Single vineyard. They don't even make it any more. Jack: Pinot noir? Miles Raymond: Mmm-hmm. Jack: Then how come it's white? Miles Raymond: [laughs] Oh, Jesus. Don't ask questions like t...
[concerning his audition tape] Marty McFly: What if I send in the tape and they don't like it? I mean, what if they say I'm no good? What if they say, "Get outta here, kid. You got no future"? I mean, I just don't think I can take that kind of reject...
The Dude: Jesus, man, could you change the channel? Cab Driver: Fuck you man. If you don't like my fuckin' music get your own fuckin' cab! The Dude: I had a rough... Cab Driver: I pull over and kick your ass out! The Dude: Come on, man. I had a rough...
Hamish: Your dream isn't about freedom. It's about Murron! You're doing this to be a hero, 'cause ya think she sees ye! William Wallace: I don't think she sees me. I *know* she does. And your father sees you, too. [Hamish punches him, knocks him down...
Dear Heavenly Father, We pray for those who are living silence, locked in the room of depression to where they are taking their own lives. This is the enemy trying to take souls away before they can hear "The Word" and accept it. We pray for a breakt...
We do not pray in order to provoke God into action. If this is our view of prayer, then we are no different to the prophets of Baal who felt they had to manipulate their aloof, disinterested and fickle gods. Instead we pray because we have a God who ...
There can be no substitute for a personal study of the Word of God! Daily devotionals, Bible commentaries, and recorded messages by anointed preachers and teachers are wonderful and useful. However, they cannot take the place of the Word of God. They...
Just as you cannot stop a bird from flying over your head, in the same way you cannot stop the devil from dropping ideas into your mind. However, in the same way that you can stop a bird from building a nest on your head, you can stop the Enemy’s s...
Our confidence in the future restorative justice of God may even give us confidence to do justice ourselves in the present. We are called then, to stretch out the arms of our minds and hearts and to find ourselves Christ shaped, cross shaped, at the ...
Could God have justified Himself before human history, so full of suffering, without placing Christ's Cross at the center of that history? . . . But God, who besides being Omnipotence is Wisdom and--to repeat once again--Love, desires to justify Hims...