Travel is the frivolous part of serious lives, and the serious part of frivolous ones.
There is no budget for travel for a Shadow Foreign Secretary.
The betrayal of trust carries a heavy taboo.
There's nobody to believe in anymore, nobody to trust.
Never trust the advice of a man in difficulties.
I want my clients to trust me.
You can trust Charlie Crist.
When trust improves, the mood improves.
They that trust in the Lord shall never be confounded!
I trust no one, not even myself.
I don't trust liberals, I trust conservatives.
There is no truth. There is only perception.
Ideas are, in truth, force.
The first casualty when war comes is truth.
Pike Bishop: If they move, kill 'em!
Money is the barometer of a society's virtue.
No complaint... is more common than that of a scarcity of money.
Nobody ever lost money taking a profit.
I have a lot of money.
The money in politics is a cash cow for the media.
We need to stop spending money we don't have.