Christianity is a battle not a dream.
The keener the want the lustier the growth.
Diphtheria struck suddenly, almost fatally.
This was not an act of terrorism, but it was an act of war.
Councils of war breed timidity and defeatism.
Only the dead have seen the end of war.
Preventing a war is tantamount to winning a war.
All wisdom does not reside in Delhi.
We do not sit as a superlegislature to weigh the wisdom of legislation.
We are gods with anuses.
History is written by the survivors.
I'm taking a bit of a wait-and-see attitude towards 3D.
The ABC's are attitude, behavior and communication skills.
The problem was just a mean attitude that festers and has to be challenged.
Talking is the disease of age.
I don't care about age very much.
The Age of Northeast Asia is fast approaching.
Age is a matter of feeling, not of years.
The struggle alone pleases us, not the victory.
It is the fight alone that pleases us, not the victory.
I never found a companion that was so companionable as solitude.