In aid, the proper attitude is one omitting gratitude.
We are all geniuses up to the age of ten.
Invention is the talent of youth, as judgment is of age.
At my age it is unseemly to be pessimistic.
Publishing is in a kind of Jurassic age.
There is no one subsists by himself alone.
Be modest, humble, simple. Control your anger.
Never contend with a man who has nothing to lose.
The bare recollection of anger kindles anger.
Education is the art of making man ethical.
To be is to do.
The quality of research in the U.S. is absolutely the best.
The best religion is the most tolerant.
Walking is man's best medicine.
The argument of the strongest is always the best.
But the shortest works are always the best.
The best road to progress is freedom's road.
The best years are behind me.
Defence is our best attack.
Expect the best, Prepare for the worst.
The bold adventurer succeeds the best.