Liberty exists in proportion to wholesome restraint.
The first black president will be a politician who is black.
Play is the creation of value that is not necessary.
The Right is simply more pro-Israel than the Left.
Israel's flexibility is dependent on its sense of security.
The best-armed and best-trained divisions of the Syrian army are Alawite.
The difference was you worked for Nixon, and with Ford.
I was a stubborn cuss, and I made some mistakes.
Creating a nation requires the will of the people!
My mother was a regular church-goer and was very tolerant.
The individual couldn't find any attention in Italy.
Unintelligent people always look for a scapegoat.
Magna Charta is such a fellow, that he will have no sovereign.
One threatens the innocent who spares the guilty.
Tolerance cannot seduce the young.
The most heroic word in all languages is revolution.
I will not refuse to do something that I can do.
Everybody has their burdens, their grief that they carry with them.
I want to reclaim who I am.
I'm not a victim - I never want to be perceived that way.
I'm not worried about me or what's going to happen to me.