The Columbia is lost, but the dreams that inspired its crew remain with us.
All the things one has forgotten scream for help in dreams.
Dreams say what they mean, but they don't say it in daytime language.
Dream no small dreams for they have no power to move the hearts of men.
Without peace, all other dreams vanish and are reduced to ashes.
God, that dumping ground of our dreams.
I never had those dreams of making the Olympics. Never.
The more you can dream, the more you can do.
Dreams about the future are always filled with gadgets.
We are near waking when we dream we are dreaming.
For even in dreams a good deed is not lost.
I've never dreamed of a story idea. I have such boring dreams.
The dreams of the 1960s began to disappear in the 1970s. The economy collapsed, and so did the optimism of the Metabolists.
Learn from your dreams what you lack.
Wherever you are, design your life. Live the values of your generation.
I have no wisdom to share on dating.
It is a miracle that curiosity survives formal education.
We should be trying to make education less expensive, not more.
Education remains the key to both economic and political empowerment.
I did get a degree in special education.
We're failing our children with education, we're failing our environment.