Its not age as much as the experiences I have had.
A hospital alone shows what war is.
As a body everyone is single, as a soul never.
If you are lonely when you're alone, you are in bad company.
There is no one looking out for us. We are all alone.
The longer one is alone, the easier it is to hear the song of the earth.
We are ultimately alone in that we are ultimately responsible for ourselves.
Doubt, of whatever kind, can be ended by action alone.
The right to be let alone is indeed the beginning of all freedoms.
Sometimes, you have to get angry to get things done.
Anger is energising. The opposite of anger is depression, which is anger turned inward.
When terrorism strikes, divisive anger is a natural response.
Architecture is not an inspirational business, it's a rational procedure to do sensible and hopefully beautiful things; that's all.
The art of being wise is the art of knowing what to overlook.
No friendship is an accident.
The emergency of women is the emergency of the world.
The polyglot is a linguistic nomad.
Nature is to zoos as God is to churches.
Americans are self-reliant—on the government.
Din splendorile cafelei de odineoară, neschimbat rămăsese doar mangalul.
Fantasy is unconstrained by truth.