Rights come from God, not from government.
Hidden nature is secret God.
At 8, I made a pact with God.
A war for a great principle ennobles a nation.
Life should be great rather than long.
I haven't any wisdom - just a child like everybody else. I'm not as great as Frank Lloyd Wright.
I always entertain great hopes.
That is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great.
You're as good as the people you're with.
The test of good citizenship is loyalty to country.
I'm a good legislator. I'm a bad some other things.
I'm not good with bullies and zealots.
The nature of good fiction is that it dwells in ambiguity.
We have to make sure the Good Friday Agreement works.
I got quite good results from protein plates.
Make a good use of the present.
The people of Chicago are a proud people - and for good reason.
A merry companion is as good as a wagon.
A proverb is good sense brought to a point.
Endure and persist; this pain will turn to good by and by.
He who is not a good servant will not be a good master.