Economic issues are just as much moral issues as social issues.
Kobe enjoys that situation. Stepping up and making the big basket or being involved in a key play.
I think there's a certain lyricism in the telling of a scientific story.
I get scared of a lot of attention. I get scared of the spotlight. And I'm not talking about on the basketball court.
If two men or two women can marry, then there is no way a court could deny three men and two women or any combination thereof.
Very few men are fortunate enough to gain distinction during their first term in Congress.
Good acting is thinking in front of the camera. I just do that and apply a sense of humor to it. You have to trust the audience to get it.
When I was a kid. I had traveled the world by the time I was 13 years old because of all the competitions I did for inline skating.
My favorite memory is, as a freshman, going to Carolina and beating them. Going over there and winning on their court. I think that was the only time I did win on their court.
The human young must learn to perceive these affordances, in some degree at least, but the young of some animals do not have time to learn the ones that are crucial for survival.
The first time I went to Taiwan, there were cameras, paparazzi, TV stations outside my hotel twenty-four hours a day nonstop.
The Knicks left me open a lot of times the last time we played them, and I was just making sure I took the shots that were there.
You never know how you're going to be received, after all this time. The initial response we had was just overwhelming, particularly that tour of the States.
So that's when I saw the DNA model for the first time, in the Cavendish, and that's when I saw that this was it. And in a flash you just knew that this was very fundamental.
Thanksgiving dinners take eighteen hours to prepare. They are consumed in twelve minutes. Half-times take twelve minutes. This is not coincidence.
The craft Emmys are kind of the kids' table at Thanksgiving. You're not really invited to the big dance. It's still really, really exciting, and the statue still counts.
Like, you can find your dream, if you firmly believe. You have to have the innocence, and you have to have the daringness to trust.
My father always said, 'Never trust anyone whose TV is bigger than their book shelf' - so I make sure I read.
You can trust a Neil Simon script. Every dot. Every dash; that pause means something. He takes all the jokes out, practically.
My biggest challenge is trust, and really believing that trust, in letting things just happen personally and professionally and trust with myself. But I'm getting better at it.
David was the kind of guy who was totally supportive of the actors and instructed the writing staff to trust the actor's instincts, since after all, it's the actors playing the character.