I am reaching a point in my life where the basketball chapter in my life is slowly closing from a competition standpoint.
If it weren't for the mentorship and guidance from people like my mother, James Brown and others, I wouldn't have been able to make something of my life.
One of the things you learn when you go overseas is how much a lot of the countries overseas really just like to enjoy life.
Your emotional life is not written in cement during childhood. You write each chapter as you go along.
One of the most important responsibilities in the Christian life is to care about others, smile at them, and be a friend to the friendless.
Life was a lot simpler when what we honored was father and mother rather than all major credit cards.
Adults often assume that most learning is the result of teaching and that exploratory, spontaneous learning is unusual. But actually, spontaneous learning is more fundamental.
Quality afterschool programs provide safe, engaging and fun learning experiences to help children and youth develop their social, emotional, physical, cultural and academic skills.
I'm learning a lot about the culture of weight loss. I didn't know there were bloggers out there who were proud to be fat.
Profound changes to how children access vast information is yielding new forms of peer-to-peer and individual-guided learning.
Too often we see that teachers and educational administrators feel threatened by self-organized learning. They, therefore, think it is not learning at all.
I love track and field, but I also know the day will come when I will have to do something else.
A sense of style can be sort of fun, as long as it doesn't get in the way.
I knew by heart all the dialogue of James Dean's films; I could watch Rebel Without a Cause a hundred times over.
Amongst the minds of animals that of man leads, not as a demigod from another planet, but as a king from the same race.
Dogs get lost hundreds of times and no one ever notices it or sends an account of it to a scientific magazine.
For origin and development of human faculty we must look to these processes of association in lower animals.
A fixation with connecting with 'friends' online comes with the risk of disconnection with friends waiting for you to be present in the offline world.
I don't think I would take the game with the same mentality that I do now if I hadn't been injured.
It will be exciting to have my child share my career and to remember what I was like when I was young.
I'm very stubborn. I feel like I'm going to play this season.