I have won many trophies in my time, but nothing will ever top helping win the battle for peace in my country.
If the IAAF feel that is the right way to go for TV rights and everything, the rule will stay. As much as I want to be on the podium, tonight is a sad night for athletics.
If I weren't earning $3 million a year to dunk a basketball, most people on the street would run in the other direction if they saw me coming.
Football is a sport of paradox. It requires reaction, not reflection. Yet you must use your mind to calculate, to anticipate - to think and not think at the same time.
The guy who enters pro sports hasn't run scared from the 7th grade on. Until he enters the pros, it's been nothing but roses.
I look at athletes in all sports and try to picture what kind of football player they'd be, what position they'd play and so on.
When did I know I had talent? I think it started when I first started playing sports, organized sports.
It's hard to win in the NFL. You have to maintain a very delicate balance putting together the right team to be able to win and have any amount of success.
I don't think ethical people deal with intimidation as a method to achieve success. Undermining someone's self-esteem isn't a method to achieve success.
I think as a player there's a sense of urgency every single year that this is the year we're going to have success and do the things we're excited about.
There's a false perception that women in Africa somehow don't love their babies they way we do, don't grieve their loss the way we would. That is simply not true.
I love being a writer-director. I couldn't imagine directing without writing it. You have to write and tell your stories - that's what directing is to me.
The Coen Brothers, Peter Jackson, and Guillermo del Toro have really made something of themselves and impacted people. I'd love to work with them sometime, too.
I always had a love of music, from the time I was a little kid, dressing up and singing along with Michael Jackson songs.
I love an underdog. No, I don't necessarily mean the cartoon. I mean like David, as in Goliath, or the Bears, as in The Bad News Bears.
When I do fall in love, I'll go to the ends of the earth for that person. I'd lay down on a carpet of nails for the person I love.
But when they needed love or help or had a problem of any kind, they could always go to Roselle because she was always there for them. That was not always the case with me.
I love my body because it's what I've been given. Being too thin is just as unhealthy as being obese.
My kids love vinyl, I had to teach them how to put the needle on the records. Now they're worried about scratching the records, but it's incredible!
I love talking to the youth and helping them as much as I can or encouraging them, if I can help them at all.
When I dance, I love the romance and sexiness of it, and love having it be clear to both dancers that the man leads! But the man has to know what he's doing!