So I was always around music and my dad was in his own way a progressive jazzer, a big band jazzer guy.
My grandfather was a lawyer, my dad was a lawyer, my mum was a lawyer, I got an uncle who's a lawyer, I got cousins that are lawyers.
Dad sometimes sends me texts saying, 'Just heard you on the radio, thumbs up', or whatever. So that's pretty cute.
I have to remind my dad, 'Journalists - no matter how many cigars they smoke with you - are not your friends, so don't talk to them.'
My dad was fiscally conservative, and I was influenced by that. He didn't believe in spending more than you had because it gets you into trouble.
I grew up not liking my father very much. I never saw him cry. But he must have. Everybody cries.
When I was a kid I went and saw Bill Cosby with my dad, and I remember sitting there and laughing so hard.
My dad's got a brilliant eye for scripts 'cos he's a literary agent. He and my agent read a load of scripts and filter them.
My dad was an actor, so he would try and put me off and say, 'Come on, you've got to go to university first.'
I hate being clean-shaven. My daughter gets very upset if I shave and says, 'Bring back the spikes, Dad.'
I guess I knew my dad was into photography, so a part of me was interested in picking it up to understand him a little better.
My dad didn't want me to play guitar. He played piano, so I chose that. And I ended up loving it.
My dad was quiet, angry, shut down. So my thing is: I express everything that's there. I want to get it all out.
Dad built houses and when they were sold, he moved on to a new town, so I know a lot about my native state.
All the records I've put out have had either artwork that I did while I was young or something that my Dad painted.
I was obsessed with clowns. My dad had to get rid of them. I thought there were clowns under my bed for years.
My dad named me after Hannibal Barca, the Carthaginian general who attacked Rome. But nobody knows about him.
My dad gave me my first bike at 16. I soon fell off and was in a wheelchair for weeks. I haven't fallen since.
If my own current husband was suddenly a stay-at-home dad, it would be emasculating. That would be hard for me.
As a child, I remember my dad would sometimes drive me into town with him to play pinball machines together. It's a bittersweet memory but also a favorite.
My dad became a soap opera actor, and I was an extra in a skating rink scene on the soap. I didn't audition. It was nepotism all the way.