Jackie Robinson is a true legend.
A champion, he said, wins a World Series or an Olympic and is hoisted on the shoulders of teammates and fans. A hero carries the people on his shoulders. Champions live for the moment- heroes, like Jackie Robinson, transcend time.
I used to tell Jackie (Robinson) sometimes when they were throwing at him, 'Jackie, they aren't throwing at you because you are black. They are throwing at you because they don't like you.
Robinson was important to all blacks. To make it into the majors and to take all the name calling, he had to be something special. He had to take all this for years, not just for Jackie Robinson, but for the nation.
Every time I look at my pocketbook, I see Jackie Robinson.
[from trailer] Branch Rickey: Jackie Robinson. A black man in white baseball.
When I went to Brooklyn in 1948 Jackie Robinson was at the height of his brilliant career.
Jim Crow was king... and I heard a game in which Jackie Robinson was playing, and I felt pride in being alive.
Jackie Robinson: I don't think it matters what I believe, only what I do.
Brooks Robinson belongs in a higher league.
All though I didn't meet him. His legend and his saga and his story is just that. Jackie Robinson, we all have to tip our hat to him. Because he made the game available to guys like me.
Jackie Robinson: I don't care if they like me. I didn't come here to make friends. I don't even care if they respect me. I know who I am. I've got enough respect for myself. I do not want them to beat me. Rachel Robinson: They're never going to beat ...
Jackie Robinson: You want a player who doesn't have the guts to fight back? Branch Rickey: No. I want a player who's got the guts *not* to fight back. Jackie Robinson: You give me a uniform, you give me a number on my back, I'll give you the guts.
I don't believe in regret.
Why is there no respect for Joaquin Andujar?
I really do love football.
Whatever it takes to win.
I like being by myself.
I'm a Cubbie. I'll always be a Cubbie.
I respect women to the utmost.
The triangle is a foundation to an offense.