I thought: This is not racing, it's a suicide mission.
Personal liberty is not personal license.
I went into the Air Corps from 1943 through 1945.
Every path serves a purpose.
I love the game of baseball.
I love baseball, and the door remains open.
I can't help who I fall in love with. No one can.
To me, marriage is partly a religious thing and I'm not religious.
I like to be against the odds.
I don't have the acting skills my daughter has.
Pro basketball is a very mercenary endeavor.
They were willing to do anything to stop me.
You can't hit what you can't see.
It gets late early out there.
If the world were perfect, it wouldn't be.
Jackie had now changed her tune, clinging to me as if she liked it. “I’m irresistible, brother, he’s swapping sides for me.” “I can’t fight it any longer,” I said, nonchalantly. Wade shook his head at us. “I’ll be sure to pass this ...
Cockatoo Bartender: What's your drink brother? Ordell Robbie: Let me have a screwdriver homes. Cockatoo Bartender: And what about you? Jackie Brown: Oh, I'm fine. Cockatoo Bartender: Yes you are [they all laugh, the bartender leaves] Ordell Robbie: G...
Jackie - New York: I just want to ask you one thing, cowboy. If you're sitting here, and he's sitting all the way over there, then how's he gonna get his hand into your pocket? Oh, but I guess he has that all figured out. 'Night, toots. [walks away] ...
[after being smacked in the jaw by Jackie Boy] Bozo No. 1: [about Jackie Boy] He is generous. But that temper of his... you shouldn't have picked on him like you did. My temper, you don't have to worry about. Shellie: [grabs a knife and points it at ...
I felt pretty good growing up. I didn't feel a lot of prejudice or racism. But I do remember, if there was going to be a movie or a television show with Asian characters, I would go out of my way to avoid them, because they portrayed all Asians as ei...
Margo Channing: [in front of her boyfriend, Bill] I love you, Max. I really mean it. I love you. Come to the pantry. [She leaves] Max Fabian: [to Bill] She loves me like a father. Also, she's loaded.