What is learned in the cradle is carried to the grave.
What is learned in the cradle lasts to the grave.
What is true by lamplight is not always true by sunlight.
What was hard to endure is sweet to recall.
People show their character by what they laugh at.
If it rained macaroni, what a fine time for gluttons!
No one buys what he recommends himself.
Say what you have to say, tomorrow.
What soap is for the body, tears are for the soul.
What the heart thinks, the mouth speaks.
What is worthwhile must needs be difficult.
What the people believe is true.
What is bought is cheaper than a gift.
What was hard to bear is sweet to remember.
What the heart thinks, the tongue speaks.
Ask a lot, but take what is offered.
What cannot be cured must be endured.
What a cow eats a calf drinks.
What is much desired is not believed when it comes.
What is not yours always chirps for its master.
What can't be cured, must be endured.