War is to a man what bed is to a woman.
We admire what we do not understand.
What good is giving sugar to the dead?
What fills the eye fills the heart.
What you can't have, abuse.
To endure what is unendurable is true endurance.
The swine do not know what heaven is.
Sickness shows us what we are.
What soberness conceals, drunkenness reveals.
Truth is what women do not tell.
Do not refuse the body what it asks for.
What cures the liver harms the spleen.
The night rinses what the day has soaped.
Sickness tells us what we are.
What good is honor when you're starving?
What counts isn't the frame, it's what you put in it.
Life is what you want it to be, not what others want to be
It is awfully important to know what is and what is not your business.
For voters what matters is what government actually delivers for them.
What you put into life is what you get out of it.
Don't believe what I say. Believe what I do.