What an elder sees sitting; the young can't see standing.
Ask me what are my virtues, not about the color of my skin.
Ashamed of what she sees in the daytime the sun sets with a blush.
The harvest of a whole year depends on what you sow in the springtime.
Never put off to tomorrow what you can do today.
Ask God for what man can give, and you may get it.
Don't demand that what you write in the Nile will be read in the desert.
He who wants to barter, usually knows what is best for him.
What is inflated too much, will burst into fragments.
What you lose in the fire, you will find amongst the ashes.
Let not your tongue say what your head may pay for.
Only a fool asks, "What do you want with my wife?"
Do today what you want ro postpone until tomorrow.
The world is nonsense: what looks beautiful in the morning looks ugly in the evening.
What little Johnny has not learned, big John will not know.
He who has travelled alone can tell what he likes.
If you buy what you don't need, you steal from yourself.
What matter if I suffer, if only my neighbor suffers too.
No one knows what the dinner was after the plates have been washed.
If you wish to know what a man is, place him in authority.