The poet is on the side of undeceiving the world.
It's a small world, but I wouldn't want to have to paint it.
The world is a republic of mediocrities, and always was.
You can't be idealistic in this world and not be crazy.
There is no communication in this world except between equals.
The world is a contradiction; the universe a paradox.
The world of books captured my heart.
I always considered myself the world's worst actress.
I want to dominate the man's world.
There is the illusion of the world and the reality of the Torah.
Let's make something happen to this world.
I want the world to see my body.
We live in a world where action is what counts.
Hollywood is kind of a bad world.
I've operated and launched newspapers all over the world.
I don't have the pressure of being a world-famous bombshell that has detonated.
Sondheim is the Shakespeare of the musical theater world.
Tourism is the biggest industry in the world.
We are alive and in the world and that is beautiful and everything.
Every human in this world is greedy.
It is justice, not charity, that is wanting in the world.