If a listener nods his head when you're explaining your program, wake him up.
Is it possible that software is not like anything else, that it is meant to be discarded: that the whole point is to always see it as a soap bubble?
I think the mystery of what's out there in the universe is just very compelling.
Alfred Nobel stipulated that no distinction of race or colour will determine who received of his generosity.
Scientific thought and its creation is the common and shared heritage of mankind.
The first requirement of politics is not intellect or stamina but patience. Politics is a very long run game and the tortoise will usually beat the hare.
Know that the philosopher has power over the stars, and not the stars over him.
Without mathematics, there's nothing you can do. Everything around you is mathematics. Everything around you is numbers.
Work as if everything depended upon work and pray as if everything depended upon prayer.
The interaction of the variation in our genes is what's responsible for lots of our attributes and vigor.
My commitment to a humane and peaceful world continues to this day.
I was fortunate to find an extraordinary mathematics and applied mathematics program in Toronto.
Confusion of sign and object is original sin coeval with the word.
Meaning is what essence becomes when it is divorced from the object of reference and wedded to the word.
I enjoyed reading all the classic authors like Isaac Asimov and Bradbury.
One bug in an SMTP server can open up the whole machine for intrusion.
The Postfix security model is based on keeping software simple and stupid.
The challenge with Postfix, or with any piece of software, is to update software without introducing problems.
The release of atomic energy has not created a new problem. It has merely made more urgent the necessity of solving an existing one.
I was born during the war, on October 20, 1942, as the second of five children. My father, Rolf Volhard, was an architect.
I hate war for its consequences, for the lies it lives on and propagates, for the undying hatreds it arouses.