Science attempts to find logic and simplicity in nature. Mathematics attempts to establish order and simplicity in human thought.
Awareness of mortality exerts a unique power to focus the mind and heart on essentials.
Unwittingly, the feminists acknowledge the superiority of the male sex by wishing to become like men.
I give no sources, because it is indifferent to me whether what I have thought has already been thought before me by another.
The person who knows Christ best is the person who will pray best.
The scientist only imposes two things, namely truth and sincerity, imposes them upon himself and upon other scientists.
The sky above the island was the color of television, tuned to a dead channel—which is to say it was a bright, cheery blue.
If someone does not believe in fairies, he does not need to teach his children 'There are no fairies'; he can omit to teach them the word 'fairy'.
I am not a perfect servant. I am a public servant doing my best against the odds. As I develop and serve, be patient. God is not finished with me yet.
The best that can be said of my life so far is that it has been industrious, and the best that can be said of me is that I have not pretended to what I was not.
Raised in a completely nonreligious family, never attended any church and was a thoroughgoing atheist all his life.
It is obvious that an imagined world, however different it may be from the real one, must have something - a form - in common with it.
Philosophy should make clear and delimit sharply the thoughts which otherwise are, as it were, opaque and blurred.
The denunciation of injustice implies the rejection of the use of Christianity to legitimize the established order.
Roughly speaking: to say of two things that they are identical is nonsense, and to say of one thing that it is identical with itself is to say nothing.
A scientist in his laboratory is not a mere technician: he is also a child confronting natural phenomena that impress him as though they were fairy tales.
Some had the custom of receiving the Eucharist daily, some twice a week, some on the Lord's day, Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday, some only on the Lord's Day.
Some day we'll move into space and start ensuring the survival of our species beyond Earth, whether it happens in a hundred years or a thousand.
Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality.
Every living being is an engine geared to the wheelwork of the universe. Though seemingly affected only by its immediate surrounding, the sphere of external influence extends to infinite distance.
I constructed a laboratory in the neighborhood of Pike's Peak. The conditions in the pure air of the Colorado Mountains proved extremely favorable for my experiments, and the results were most gratifying to me.