Speech is external thought, and thought internal speech.
The war changed everybody's attitude. We became international almost overnight.
The nations of antiquity rolled away in the current of ages, Israel alone remained one indestructible edifice of gray antiquity... preserved by an internal and marvelous power.
Please, touch me, I pray.
Discipline is a given; the choice is whether it is applied internally or externally.
The greatest power we have in life is not external, but internal.
We're from Rockford, Illinois, but we've always thought international.
Freedom is an internal achievement rather than an external adjustment.
We had to leave Australia to become international stars.
The World Cup is a truly International event.
External nature is only internal nature writ large.
U.S. society doesn't want to play the role of international policeman.
The international game has changed for bidding cities.
I'm younger than I once was. Internally. Less self-conscious. Less insecure.
I think I'm a focus for international attention.
Lets’ inspire people. Not by intellectualizing but by internalizing, not with words but with deeds
It's not easy trying to navigate your internal world in the public eye.
We will make La Perla a great international brand for beauty and feminine luxury.
In school I studied international business and marketing, so I've always been attracted to business.
Film is not a national business. It's international. And its centre will always be Hollywood.
Kotter International is about leading large-scale change, not just managing it.