The internet was supposed to homogenize everyone by connecting us all. Instead what it's allowed is silos of interest.
People now, especially with the Internet, are connected. They have an expectation of behaviour, of accountability, avoiding conflict and fair and just competition.
An iPod, a phone, an internet mobile communicator... these are NOT three separate devices! And we are calling it iPhone! Today Apple is going to reinvent the phone. And here it is.
Today, there are many, many ways to entertain people in one single videogame. And the Internet has made it so easy for people to ask for clues.
The internet, Facebook and Twitter have created mass communications and social spaces that regimes cannot control.
Like the early days of the Internet, the dawn of personal genomics promises benefits and pitfalls that no one can foresee.
Definitely read a quality daily paper regularly, and use the Internet to check out the press around the world as often as you can.
What is new is the multiplying reach and volume of the Internet, concentrating the toxicity of destructive emotions and circulating them in the political bloodstream with unparalleled velocity.
Search, which is extremely important, represents about 5% of the page views on the Internet and 40% of the revenue. So, highly monetized.
Unlike films, which can be easily disseminated worldwide via DVDs and the Internet, plays struggle to find an international audience.
2012 was the year I saw Twitter as a negative. More people need to realise that not everything they read is true and that Internet trolls are a real problem.
I don't think many people anticipated how the Internet was going to revolutionize the way we disseminate information.
Surfing the Internet every day has become a habit for many leaders and officials, including myself.
There seems to be no limit to the exciting possibilities that come from combining technical innovations, the Internet, and social media.
I remember a time where Trolls were a fictitious monster from fairy tales, not arseholes on the internet looking for attention.
The Internet's kinda in danger of getting heart disease pretty soon, I think. Arteries are getting clogged.
Trade on the Internet is becoming very widespread. The problem is our laws have not caught up with electronic commerce.
The industry must adhere to certain consumer protection norms if the Internet is to remain an open platform for innovation.
Newspapers and magazines didn't want pictures of musicians behaving badly back then. Now, because of the Internet, that's all the media wants.
I'm so thankful for the Internet because actors and singers and performers now have a way to connect with their fans on a very personal level which I think is quite special.
Cloud Gaming means that the game doesn't need to be downloaded and run on your computer; it literally means the game runs out on the Internet, in the cloud, with the experience being streamed to the players.