Life without the Internet is unimaginable.
The beauty of the Internet is that there's no space limit.
I don't actually go on the Internet that much.
The Internet is not nearly as fail-safe as the phone system.
Kids listen to everything on the Internet.
I'm not keen on the Internet. I don't trust it.
It's amazing what the Internet can teach you to do.
I'm a babe in the woods when it comes to the Internet.
I was raised on the Internet.
As a research tool, the internet is invaluable.
The Internet has compromised the quality of debate.
Even with censorship, the Internet is a force for change.
I wouldn't be anywhere without the Internet.
Well, when we made 'Tron' there was no internet, no cellphones.
The Internet is not kind to established institutions.
I actually barely ever go on the Internet.
What the Internet has done is it has decentralised power.
The Internet is a big distraction.
The Internet is a politically contested space.
I'm a bit of a Luddite and I hate the internet.
The internet is 95 percent porn and spam