Justice? -You get justice in the next world, in this world you have the law.
Justice? -- You get justice in the next world. In this one you have the law.
Old radicals never changed. They just got law degrees and updated their bag of tricks.
Attaining consciousness is connected with the gradual liberation from mechanicalness, for man is fully and completely under mechanical laws.
Law is made by the winner to preserve victory over the loser.
I hardly broke any laws at all. I should drive more often.
You cannot hinder someone’s free will, that’s the first law of the Universe, no matter what the decision.
For pure will, unassuaged of purpose, delivered from the lust of result, is every way perfect.
You can take your Law," she said in a measured tone, "and shove it right up your-
After I dropped out of college at the age of 19, I became a mortgage broker, and when I went back to school I thought about going into real estate law.
For example, UNICEF works with governments to change legislation such as in India where a law was passed raising the age of compulsory school completion to keep children in school and away from the workplace for longer.
I was in a university prep school in Canada, and the way that particular place worked was, you chose at a very young age what you were going to do with the rest of your life. Mine was law.
Jesus Christ was a patriot! His country was the world. His laws were the eternal principles of liberty, and his followers, in every age, have been the chosen champions of freedom!
The criminal law needs to be improved to meet new forms of crime, but to denounce financial devices which are useful and legitimate because use is made of them for fraud, is ridiculous and unworthy of the age in which we live.
By this act the president alone is empowered to make the law, to fix in his mind what acts, words, what thoughts or looks, shall constitute such a crime.
But let her remember, that it is in Britain alone, that laws are equally favourable to liberty and humanity; that it is in Britain the sacred rights of nature have received their most awful ratification.
The people who did the collateralized mortgage obligations, sold them to pension funds, then sold them short, then bought credit default swap insurance on them, are just amazing. They are a law unto themselves.
It is a law woven into the nature of man, attested by history, by science, by literature and art, and by dally experience, that strength of mind and force of character are the supreme rulers of human affairs.
We may brave human laws, but we cannot resist natural ones.
The laws of physics is the canvas God laid down on which to paint his masterpiece
I had no vote in the making of such a law, and I have no intention of abiding by it, either.