I would love to work with Anthony Hopkins; I would love to work with Meryl Streep; I would love to work with DeNiro; I would love to work with Johnny Depp; I'd love to work with Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Gwyneth Paltrow... I think she's amazing.
Teach children the value of work and to work hard at everything they do. The virtue of compassion and value of appreciation of the hard work of others too.
It is awesome to note that the works your work are working but that should not be a joy. The ultimate joy should be that the works of your work are indelible.
Every film you work on is different, and that's part of what it's like for anybody who works on a film, is to learn how to work with others. Learn from top to bottom. Actors have to learn how to work with the director and the director has to learn ho...
As a working actor, all I want to do is work. That's it. It's terrifying when you don't work. It's very hard when you don't work. There have been times when I've been out of work for like six months. I feel theatre to me is like manna.
Pray as though no work could help, and work as though no prayer could help.
The king inherits a country -- the people only hard work.
He has hard work who has nothing to do.
As the connections have been broken by the fragmentation and isolation of work, they can be restored by restoring the wholeness of work. There is work that is isolating, harsh, destructive, specialized or trivialized into meaninglessness. And there i...
While working on The Last Supper, Leonardo da Vinci regularly took off from painting for several hours at a time and seemed to be daydreaming aimlessly. Urged by his patron, the prior of Santa Maria delle Grazie, to work more continuously, da Vinci i...
You really have to work hard and apply yourself and by applying yourself and working hard and being diligent, you can achieve success.
I like to work when I'm not working - do something that may not be considered work, but to me it's work. Getting exercise by going to the grocery store.
The response to war is to live like brothers and sisters. The response to injustice is to share. The response to despair is a limitless trust and hope. The response to prejudice and hatred is forgiveness. To work for community is to work for humanity...
«Gavin did not enjoy his hard work. The optimistic startup guys sending in these crazy proposals were guys who enjoyed their work. Gavin had the solid, old-fashioned idea that work should be painful, so that people would pay you for doing it. If the...
...While grace does do away with the need for good works, it’s grace which also makes good works truly possible. If good works don’t play into your salvation, then doing them is a sheer act of love, both for those they benefit and to God. It’s ...
I didn't have any interest in traditional art.
Groupon has some interesting assets.
I've never been interested in celebrity.
The darker the character, the more interesting.
I've always been interested in UFOs.
I've always been this insane. Isn't that interesting?