I am a subject of the British Crown, but whenever I have to choose between the interests of England and Canada it is manifest to me that the interests of my country are identical with those of the United States of America.
It was, however, in the interest of Osama bin Laden for us to destroy a secular Arab leader; it was very much in the interest of the Iranians because they wanted revenge against Saddam Hussein for Iraq's invasion in 1980.
All experts on WHO advisory groups for developing norms, standards and guidelines are required to disclose interests regarding the advisory committee's area of work. If a declared interest is potentially significant, then the expert is either exclude...
Tinguely wasn't the first artist to work with machines. But others were more interested in precision, in what machines are meant to do. What made him different was the random element. He introduced the mechanical accident. He was always interested in...
There's no future in stories...Stories are things of the past, things for museums.
Kalau melihat kesuksesan orang lain, seharusnya kita jangan mau kalah.
Bloodchild" is my pregnant man story.
I could read at a very early age and I loved stories, losing myself in stories, novels.
Even when we are lost, God has not lost us.
To my abusers: I forgive you.
People grow, but they don't change.
If they're going to write a story they're going to write the story whether it's true or not.
Authors do not choose a story to write, the story chooses us.
Become your own success story, not someone else's.
As a child, I loved story books and wanted to be in them so desperately and live the stories.
The Bible is the greatest love story ever told.
If I'm gonna tell a real story, I'm gonna start with my name.
I can be so blown away by story lines.
Some of the best mysteries end in a love story.
Different versions of a true story
Any story about revenge is ultimately a story about forgiveness, redemption, or the futility of revenge.