With movies, you are always in search is a good story, one that everyone will relate to and love. I love finding those stories and creating a visual world to tell the story.
In terms of writing characters or stories, at least initially, there's no difference between live-action and animation. A good story is a good story, whatever the medium.
When I read good stories, I want to write good stories too.
We're not keen on the idea of the story sharing its valence with the reader. But the reader's own life 'outside' the story changes the story.
In all love stories the theme is love and tragedy, so by writing these types of stories, I have to include tragedy.
My job is to help the functioning of the story, not to draw attention to myself, but to make my characters function within the story, to work for the benefit of the story, to make the whole thing work.
The difficulty with Poe is not figuring out which of his stories rise to the level required of this collection, but rather which of his stories to exclude from it.
What is deemed as “his-story” is often determined by those who survived to write it. In other words, history is written by the victors...Now, with the help of the Roman historian Tacitus, I shall tell you Queen Boudicca’s story, her-story……
The true story of every person in this world is not the story you see, the external story. The true story of each person is the journey of his or her heart.
When it comes to who will like your writing; the ones who will like it will like it because they can relate to the story or can find a piece of their own story hidden within - regardless of the mistakes. The ones who won't, never will - no matter wha...
That story you're scared to share --- that story has the power to change both your life and the lives of others.
I think when people begin to tell their stories, everything changes, because not only are you legitimised in the telling of your story and are you found, literally, like you matter, you exist in the telling of your story, but when you hear your story...
Every life is a story. Every story has mistakes. If you focus too much on the mistakes, you will miss the story. In doing that, you are making a dreadful mistake yourself. Sometimes, it is the mistakes that enrich and give the story so much more mean...
If you gauge how you're doing on whether somebody is responding vocally or not, you're up a creek. You can't do that; you kind of have to be inside of your work and play the scene. And tell the story every day. Tell the story. Tell the story. Regardl...
I always thought there would be more interesting people at my wedding.
I'm not interested in making art unless I'm totally freaked out and worried people are going to hate it.
It bewildered Ig, the idea that a person could not be interested in music. It was like not being interested in happiness.
We think we are being interesting to others when we are being interesting to ourselves.
I have to make a lot of decisions that aren't in the best interests of individuals, whether they be owners, club executives, players.
My best advice to writers is get yourself born in an interesting place.
What interests me, and has always interested me, has been modernism.