Gujarat is developed because of its people; everyone has participated in the development process.
A good standalone plugin can also make you a fair amount of money. Many developers make a decent living by simply maintaining and updating one or two crucial plugins that are far better than anything available for free.
She, of all people, knew the sacred trust that word -- "librarian" -- implied. Because a librarian was supposed to to be a spiritual, intellectual mentor who kept your secrets and didn't give you a funny look when you checked out a book on the care a...
Friendship is an obstetric art; it draws out our richest and deepest resources; it unfolds the wings of our dreams and hidden indeterminate thoughts; it serves as a check on our judgements, tries out our new ideas, keeps up our ardor, and inflames ou...
America's intellectual community has never been very bright. Or honest. They're all sheep, following whatever the intellectual fashion of the decade happens to be. Demanding that everyone follow their dicta in lockstep. Everyone has to be open-minded...
De jure objections are arguments of claims to the effect that Christian belief, whether or not true, is at any rate unjustifiable, or rationally unjustified, or irrational, or not intellectually respectable, or contrary to sound morality, or without ...
I don’t really know what “intellectual” means, but if it means you’ve got a desire to learn, you’ve got a desire to look for things that haven’t been presented to you, then, maybe. I think that “intellectual” is quite an exclusive wor...
A man who develops himself is born twice.
We started this mostly from an intellectual place.
Our family life was certainly not intellectual.
Intellectual passion drives out sensuality.
Intellectuals are rebels, not revolutionaries.
An intellectual hatred is the worst.
Without economic development, any potential for political openness and freedom will be questionable.
Sustainable South Bronx advocates for environmental justice through sustainable environmental and economic development projects.
The action genre is not always the most synonymous with character development.
A tin roof is one of the greatest indicators of prosperity in the developing world.
It's an unfair comparison because when things are developed in the UK, they're developed at script stage only.
I like it when songs develop in some way. Four minutes usually isn't enough time for something to develop musically.
Technology should be an important ingredient. It may be and should be a tool for social development.
Sustainable development is a proven catalyst for Xerox innovation.