No chaos, no creation. Evidence: the kitchen at mealtime.
Extraordinary allegations require extraordinary evidence.
May God save the country, for it is evident that the people will not.
Pain is life - the sharper, the more evidence of life.
In the 1960s and '70s, there wasn't much evidence at all. We knew vaguely the causes of cancer, but methods like genomics were very new.
I was thought to be retarded as a child, and all the evidence indicates that I was.
Evidence of epistasis from hybridization studies is more scarce.
The evidence is overwhelming that birds are dinosaurs.
Neutrality, as a lasting principle, is an evidence of weakness.
Government lawyers have a duty to disclose evidence of wrongdoing in the government.
While these attitudes are more visible when directed at government, there is ample evidence that many working people distrust their own union as much as they do the corporation they work for.
Not a shred of evidence exists in favor of the idea that life is serious.
Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence.
Painting is the frozen evidence of a performance.
I wasn't interested in holding onto the evidence of things.
When Catholicism goes bad it becomes the world-old, world-wide religio of amulets and holy places and priestcraft: Protestantism, in its corresponding decay, becomes a vague mist of ethical platitudes. Catholicism is accused of being much too like th...
People who are contented and serene sleep well. They fall asleep easily, stay asleep, and wake refreshed. Conversely, people who are anxious, stressed, or depressed do not sleep well, and chronic insomnia is strongly associated with mood disorders. T...
All men are, at times, influenced by inexplicable sentiments. Ideas haunt them in spite of all their efforts to discard them. Prepossessions are entertained, for which their reason is unable to discover any adequate cause. The strength of a belief, w...
My desire for knowledge is intermittent; but my desire to bathe my head in atmospheres unknown to my feet is perennial and constant. The highest that we can attain to is not Knowledge, but Sympathy with Intelligence. I do not know that this higher kn...
Evidence is the debris of a careless mind.
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all evidence that you tried.