The instant people specialize, it's in their interest to dehumanize the people their specialized function operates upon.
And oil's not supposed to mix with water. But then someone invented mayonnaise, and wham - instant mixing.
Ainda que esse instante de gozo supremo pudesse durar-vos a vida inteira, nunca os dois que sois poderíeis chegar a ser um só.
The creative act lasts but a brief moment, a lightning instant of give-and-take, just long enough for you to level the camera and to trap the fleeting prey in your little box.
He was ruled by the tyranny of instinct, by passion and the instant legislation of a simple heart.
A law of life: at the precise instant when someone tells a truth, that truth is transformed into a story
We actually form the world at every instant, although we're not cognitively aware of that but - and there are people would argue with that to some degree.
I'm an instant responder. Somebody told me I'm a living Twitter. I'm quick to respond and quick to fill air.
When something happens to you, suffering doesn't begin. Suffering begins at the instant you label a bad thing - as something that is wrong.
When I got my first glimpse of Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, my breath caught. In that single instant, he was Wolverine.
Men forget everything; women remember everything. That's why men need instant replay in sports. They've already forgotten what's happened.
Cater to your customers’ lifestyles. It will create instant rapport and a lasting sense of “I belong here.
You can change a person's life in an instant; put him in a movie, and you start thinking differently, you want to be in another movie. It's like an addiction almost.
Facing my own death brought an instant sense of clarity and purpose.
Humans are the only creatures with the ability to dive deep in the sea, fly high in the sky, send instant messages around the globe, reflect on the past, assess the present and imagine the future.
My belief is that 'heaven' and 'hell' are metaphorical terms for what you make of your life. In any instant, you have the ability to make your life total pleasure or total hell.
I will be satisfied if the federation of secret law, unequal pardon and irresistible executive powers that rule the world that I love are revealed even for an instant.
By rule, the decision to reverse a call by use of instant replay is at the sole discretion of the crew chief.
Pinball Playing Man: There's only one instant, and it's right now. And it's eternity.
If you have a recital to do, you have to memorize the songs. I never use music when I do recitals. It produces an instant barrier, both for yourself and the audience.
God may not give that instant dollar bill your seeking, but it's in the little change He brings, that will add to a dollar.