maybe, beauty, true beauty, is so overwhelming, it goes straight to our hearts.maybe it makes us feel emotions that are locked away inside
Each of us carries a sleeping tiger inside, and we can’t predict when that cat will wake, stretch, and sharpen its claws.
I know I'm not to blame for what he did. And I know, too, that I am strong inside--stronger than I ever realized.
The day misspent, the love misplaced, has inside it the seed of redemption. Nothing is exempt from resurrection.
I’m going to fight, in my own way, until there’s nothing left of me to stuff inside the barrel and ignite.
My heart is beating like it's lonely, like there's nothing else inside of me.
He was in my nose, my mouth, on my skin, inside my cells, deep in the marrow of my bones. Just then, he was everything to me.
When you eliminate the Ego's intense desire to be correct, the clarity of the moment can come through. How simple is that?
Creativity and ideas fired between every synapse underneath my skin and I felt radiant from the inside out.
How odd I can have all this inside me and to you it’s just words.
Living means taking chances. Risks. Playing safe all the time is being dead inside, even if you happen to still be breathing.
When did creating a flawless facade become a more vital goal than learning to love the person who lives inside your skin?
I’m the guy who knows how you can hurt so much that your insides feel like they’re cut and bleeding.
...I'm hanging onto my sanity by a thread. I'll have you up against this tree and be inside you in about one second.
I love to move like a mouse inside this puzzle for the body, balancing the wish to be lost with the need to be found.
I continue to grow beautifully on my inside while the wrinkles take care of my outside’’ – Binduu Chopra
He felt a happiness stirring deep inside him, shining a light into recesses of his soul that had long been devoured by darkness.
When we see too many battlefields, it breaks something inside of a person and they lose the ability to distinguish between cruelty and necessity.
...tears and rain are the same thing, they're meant to wash you clean and make you grow. If you don't let them out, you'll drown inside.
The past was always there, lived inside of you, and it helped to make you who you were. But it had to be placed in perspective. The past could not dominate the future.
Funny how "question" contains the word "quest" inside it, as though any small question asked is a journey through briars.