I think that as soon as you think of yourself as a famous person or anything like that, you're objectifying yourself in some weird way.
But I know newspapers. They have the first amendment and they can tell any lie knowing it's a lie and they're protected if the person's famous or it's a company.
Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.
I personally have always found the Unitarian faith a source of comfort and help in my daily life.
Well, I think that Catholicism's basic foundation of faith is personal conscience. I think it's between you and God, not you and the Church.
Voluntary personal savings accounts would enable future retirees to harness the power of the marketplace when saving for their retirements.
Now, and in the future, my focus is entirely on pets and children. I'm not a person who can turn a blind eye to injustice against them.
I would do it today because the thing that appealed to me was not necessarily the mechanics of the robot, but it was his personality and how funny and charming he was.
I actually was class clown, but I don't know how that happened because I've never been considered an outwardly funny person-as the people in this room will attest.
The audience changes every night. You're the same person. You have to speak your mind and do the stuff that you think is funny and makes you laugh.
It's funny because being comedic and happy and lighthearted is who I am as a person, so they're easier emotions for me to connect with.
Everyone has at least one story, and each of us is funny if we admit it. You have to admit you're the funniest person you've ever heard of.
I take a lot of pride in managing to be funny without having a victim at the end of my joke. I laugh at a really dark joke as much as the next person, but my jokes, I feel, don't have to hurt anybody to be really funny.
I loved being in the room with Mamet as a director - he is the most generous, funny, delightful person to work for every day.
We should take care not to make the intellect our god; it has, of course, powerful muscles, but no personality.
Judge me if you want to. And as a matter of fact, it won't even count, 'cause the only person who can judge is God.
This CD became something of a personal journey for me. The tone of the whole CD is uplifting and inspirational. It's an upper. We have enough downers in the world.
Imagine a world in which every single person on the planet is given free access to the sum of all human knowledge. That's what we're doing.
No one person invented Mulberry. The knowledge that we had to have this floating harbor slowly grew.
Precision, speed, unambiguity, knowledge of files, continuity, discretion, unity, strict subordination, reduction of friction and of material and personal costs - these are raised to the optimum point in the strictly bureaucratic administration.
I think leadership is most effective when it's your own personality. But I feel like it's a natural progression as a quarterback, as well.