Tüm kâinatı düzenleyen ve yöneten ilkeler gibi her bilimin de sabit ve değiştirilemez ilkeleri vardır. İnsan bu ilkeleri yapamaz ancak onları keşfedebilir.
In an insane world, sanity made very little sense. No one expected me to live, and therefore, I did. Always.
Plato believed that insanity was essential to our nature and assumed that it held esoteric knowledge about who we are.
If human equality is to be for ever averted — if the High, as we have called them, are to keep their places permanently — then the prevailing mental condition must be controlled insanity.
So this is how the merchant ship won’t follow us,” I mumbled, “They aren’t insane enough to join the party.
And if sometimes, late at night in bed, I questioned whether or not I truly was insane, I told myself that it didn't matter. I was too happy to care.
She’s a lunatic,” says Conrad. “Absolutely insane,” says Guntram. “Either completely fearless or utterly stupid,” says Conrad. “She’s going to fit right in,” says Guntram.
Never in all her life had she imagined that this idolized millinery could look, to those who paid for it, like the decorations of an insane monkey.
A strong and brave heart isn’t enough. A true heart, no matter how much the truth hurts, is the strongest of all.
Sanity is to the mind, insanity is for the heart, Docility is to the mind, wildness is to the heart, Tamable is the mind, Untamable is the heart, Freedom is to the mind, cages are for the heart.
The hardest thing for a sane person to do is not care what anyone thinks, although everyone swears by it, hence our glorification of insanity.
Do you know what the definition of insane is? Yes. It’s the inability to relate to another human being. It’s the inability to love.
Unfortunately, Susan didn't remember what Jane Fulton once said, 'Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but expecting different results.
Just because I'm insane doesn't mean I have to act all crazy.
We all act crazy when we fall in love, stupid when we miss them, and insane when we lose them.
I think he was worried about pushing things too far for the time being since I was obviously rocking a first-class ticket to certifiable insanity.
When you realize that there's a name and a description for this condition that you thought was insanity, you've identified the problem, and now you can do something about it.
The job of taste was to thin the insane torrent of human creativity down to manageable levels. But the job of appetite was never to be happy with taste.
I stared up at the black chiffon and tried to imagine my eternity. It looked very bleak. Hopefully, insanity would claim me quickly.
When you live in my house, you learn to be fine with whatever you come across. It's the only way to stay sane in insanity.
This is a mournful discovery. 1)Those who agree with you are insane 2)Those who do not agree with you are in power.