Gillard is as likeable as Rudd is charmless. She is self-deprecating; he is ludicrously vainglorious. She is a mistress of understatement; he is a ranter.
I think Stills has been playing better than ever. I know a lot of it sounds self-serving, but he truly has.
The mind's first step to self-awareness must be through the body.
No man who is occupied in doing a very difficult thing, and doing it very well, ever loses his self-respect.
Satire of satire tends to be self-canceling, and deliberate shock tactics soon lose their ability to shock, especially when they're too deliberate.
How often are the perpetrators of hate-crimes discovered to be self-loathing? Valued individuals do not strike out against strangers.
Everybody starts at the top, and then has the problem of staying there. Lasting accomplishment, however, is still achieved through a long, slow climb and self-discipline.
I want my pictures to be things. I want them to be made up of marks that are physically and individually self-sufficient.
Self-pity is our worst enemy and if we yield to it, we can never do anything wise in this world.
Our Higher Self: The part of us that is connected to nature and also humanity" from Cinderella in Focus: Cindy's Secret
Most fears of rejection rest on the desire for approval from other people. Don't base your self-esteem on their opinions.
I reject the premise that liberal and libertarian values are necessarily in conflict. In fact, I often self-identify as a 'classical liberal.'
This is a nation that has lost the ability to be self-critical, and that makes a lie out of the freedoms.
One of the reasons I'm an interesting person to be married to is my intensely late-blooming self-awareness.
Does not people's preoccupation these days with drugs, alcohol, medication and self deception prove that the truth not only hurts, but it is torture to bear?
I never had any question that my parents loved me. I had a real sense of self confidence.
People would say bad things about you, because it is the only way their insignificant self can feel better than you.
Nothing about the priesthood is self-centered. The priesthood always is used to serve, to bless, and to strengthen other people.
A poor self-image is the magnifying glass that can transform a trivial mistake or an imperfection into an overwhelming symbol of personal defeat.
The struggle against the weakness in yourself is never a solitary struggle. No person can achieve self-mastery or his or her own.
most of us can only deny short-term pleasures because we see a realistic path between self-denial now and something better down the road.