Dakota Fanning is a child, but she is a wonderful actor. I don't know what a child actor is. She's an actor who's a child.
Don't put your child at risk. Limit unsupervised one-on-one time between your child & another adult or another child.
When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I reasoned as a child, but when I became a man, I put away childish things.
The mother is the child's first relationship, his whole world, his existence. If there is love in the relationship between the child and the mother, the child learns to trust himself, to trust others and to trust life. If there is no love in the rela...
Parental child abduction is child abuse.
I was never a child actor. I was a child performer.
Why is it that so many people start to value money so much that they trade in most of the hours and years of their life in order to get it?
I thought I should make a place to bring light down into this world. All things that become realities start in that place of someone imagining them.
It's time to launch yourself into that bigger life using your full capacities and with the light of our spirit shining brightly.
I believe that God gives you hopes and dreams in a size that's too large, so you have something to grow into.
Honor your desire for a new life. Say yes to the small inklings of interest and curiosity that present themselves each day.
The moment you become friends with your inner Self, you realize that the failures or hindrances that you met earlier were caused more by your disconnected status with your inner Being.
This inner Being is all powerful, intelligent, indestructible and a storehouse of knowledge and wisdom. This inner core is truly who and what you are and is perpetually trying to connect with your outward self.
There is nothing more powerful than a witch who knows how to contain her power. Standing comfortably within its mystery and allure.
I've learned that turning inward is where you develop emotional awareness. This is the place where you connect with your soul, to God and nothing (no thing) can come between you and your source.
…I keep looking for one more teacher, only to find that fish learn from the water and birds learn from the sky.” (p.275)
A con artist, a total imposter, had played on my desires for the Cinderella dream and won a Monopoly trip to jail. I had hoped for uprightness, integrity, and potentially a relationship. Longing overshadowed the voice of conscience.
I never want a girl to lose all hope that her life can’t completely turn around, even if she feels that she is at the edge, standing on one foot, and ready to say goodbye.
Finding yourself and creating a life that feels authentic and safe is the hardest, most important work that we will ever do and for girls, especially young girls, there is no one more equipped to do this work.
Despite how lonely or broken down you might feel, we need you with us helping to make the world better, kinder and safer, especially for the little girls coming up.
Standing naked on the beach with all of my secrets between my legs, I look out into the water and up deep into the stars. I beg the sparkling lanterns of light to cure me of myself…