We don't really even know how the Internet and technology are changing us, or our brains and our attention span.
To expect alien technology to be just a few decades ahead of ours is too incredible to be taken seriously.
Language is a more recent technology. Your body language, your eyes, your energy will come through to your audience before you even start speaking.
We can grow crops less expensively because molecular manufacturing technology is inherently low cost.
With technology you can now be your own record company, director, producer, etc. If you have talent, you can display it on the Internet and the world will tell you their thoughts in the matter of seconds!
What we can do should never by itself determine what we choose to do, yet this is the way technology tends to work.
I can't live without my smartphone, but I really geek on coding. It's not so much technology that I like, but puzzle solving.
When I write a scientific treatise, I might reach 100 people. When the 'National Geographic' covers a project, it communicates about plants and fish and underwater technology to more than 10 million people.
At its core, 90 percent of my job is still sitting down in a room full of people, and breaking stories... and that requires virtually no technology.
Social technology gives leaders a vital new platform with which to connect their companies to the myriad stakeholders who have an interest in their well being.
The only technology that can 'see' beneath the ground is radar imagery. But satellite imagery also allows scientists to map short- and long-term changes to the Earth's surface. Buried archaeological remains affect the overlying vegetation, soils and ...
Reading is a technology for perspective-taking. When someone else's thoughts are in your head, you are observing the world from that person's vantage point.
Technology challenges us to assert our human values, which means that first of all, we have to figure out what they are.
I've been so entwined with technology since I was about 15, recording myself and multitracking and producing things on my own.
As an avid photographer, I also took advantage of the latest technology in photography - digital photography - to post photos on my website on a daily basis.
The Massachusetts Institute of Technology accepts blacks in the top ten percent of students, but at MIT this puts them in the bottom ten percent of the class.
I have argued above that we cannot prevent the Singularity, that its coming is an inevitable consequence of the humans' natural competitiveness and the possibilities inherent in technology.
My theme for philanthropy is the same approach I used with technology: to find a need and fill it.
When you've done the technical part, you're then into the joy, the zen, into being. Technology no longer exists for you. You're then into the mystery of the thing you're doing.
Civilization depends on our expanding ability to produce food efficiently, which has markedly accelerated thanks to science and technology.
Big companies often use their leverage to take stakes in would-be suppliers, especially in the technology business.