An objection is not a rejection; it is simply a request for more information.
There is something about inside information which seems to paralyse a man's reasoning powers.
Paranoia is just having the right information.
I was informed... that some... were dreaming and wished to return.
A live audience with live reactions feeds a different sort of acting that will then inform your film work, and vice versa.
Women communicate differently and process information differently, which leads them to resolve conflicts differently.
I hate to mention age, but I come from an era when we weren't consumed by technology and television.
I studied drama at the Queensland University of Technology, which was amazing. I can't speak highly enough of that school.
We have an amazing advantage right now in that we have developed technology that is so sexy, so engaging for kids.
Film is a very young art that is still evolving. Soon, we shall reach a balance between content and technology.
Opera is the most complete art form. It includes drama, acting, technology (lighting), art (the sets), dance, and the epitome of the human voices. But mostly, go for the glorious music. The arts are crucial to the life of every community.
Technology brings mankind closer to divinity or extinction.
Do not get obsolete like an old technology, keep innovating yourself.
Really in technology, it's about the people, getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative environment and helping to find a way to innovate.
The most important thing about a technology is how it changes people.
Technological advances could allow us to see more clearly into our own lives.
If there is technological advance without social advance, there is, almost automatically, an increase in human misery.
The world has become more complex as technology and easy travel mixes cultures without homogenizing them.
For the most part, any serious magic show is not using very much technology newer than theatrical lights.
Laboratories can reduce risk by implementing a proven and internationally accepted quality assurance technology that is applicable across the globe.
I would like to see the technology used to explore more period horror genre works, for example, E. A. Poe.